I live in the oceanside city of Perth in Western Australia. It’s one of the most isolated capital cities in the world, with thousands of kilometres of desert (not dessert, sadly) between us and Australia’s other cities. Perth is known as Boorloo by the traditional custodians of the land, the Whadjuk Noongar people, who have lived and told stories here for more than 40,000 years.

I’m originally from the country, and I moved to Perth after high school to do a film degree and work a series of minimum wage jobs, all complete with crotchety customers, colleagues and bosses (excellent fodder for stories now). After graduating university and receiving a disappointing lack of invitations to direct the next Hollywood blockbuster, I went back for a postgraduate degree in journalism.

With characteristically brilliant timing, I became a magazine editor in Sydney right as people stopped reading magazines, so I soon trod the well-worn path of every other broke media employee before me by moving into corporate communications instead. Now, back in Perth, I work in digital content strategy, web writing and website building, and I also dabble in graphic design. (Real graphic designers wish that I didn’t.)

When I’m not writing or working, I spend my days with a Welshman and our two tiny humans. They’re a flimsy excuse for my intimate knowledge of every Disney movie and Macca the Alpaca book. I also spend time reading, baking, planning to exercise but never actually exercising, and looking at photos of other people’s delightfully organised bookshelves and stationery drawers. Being a parent, I pass an inordinate amount of time moving items in my house back to their correct places, and I say things like “I don’t know where my day has gone” approximately 30 times a week.

I enjoy taking photos (unfortunately not of anything delightfully organised); my camera roll is packed with shots of my family, travel, art deco architecture, food, sunsets with the saturation level turned up, and shockingly inept selfies.

See what I’ve been up to lately on Instagram:

Katy Mayfair